The 21st IMCWP has been completed after four days. The next meeting is going to be held in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK.
Co-hosted by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), the 21st International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP) has started today in İzmir, following the working group meeting yesterday.
The appeal of the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Communists condemn the outrageous anti-communist resolution of the European Parliament.
Special interview with Kemal Okuyan, the GS of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP).
KKE votes to be utilized for organizing struggles to block new measures.

Message of militant popular resurgence from the thousands who flooded the center of Athens.

The 15th Meeting of European Communist Youth Organizations took place in Linz, Austria.
CPB organizes countrywide public protest and agitation over gas price hike
Former President of the Republic of Cyprus and the GS of AKEL passed away.
The members of the TKP will not go to the polls in the illegitimate re-election.
Joint statement on the recent developments in the Persian Gulf.
Communist and Workers' Parties denounce the imperialist intervention of US and its allies.
Communist Parties' joint statement against anti-communism in Poland.
Communist Parties support the struggle of the Sudanese people against the military junta regime.

The 21st IMCWP will take place in Izmir, Turkey, co-hosted by TKP and KKE.

CP of Pakistan issued a statement on the arrest of Pakistan's former President Asif Zardari on charges of corruption.

The Sudanese CP issued a statement on the vulnerability of the transition process of the Sudanese Revolution and declared its perspective regarding the transition process.

Special interview with Ioannis Protoulis, PB member of the KKE and candidate for Regional Governor of Attica.
ICP interviewed Marina Gómez, candidate MEP of the PCTE.
ICP interviewed Lefteris Nikolaou, candidate MEP of the KKE.

Interview with Marco Rizzo, the Secretary of the Partito Comunista.

Special interview with the Hungarian Workers' Party (Munkaspart).
Common appeal from 25 Communist Youth Organizations for the reinforcement of the struggle against the EU.
