The 21st IMCWP has been completed after four days. The next meeting is going to be held in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK.
Co-hosted by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), the 21st International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP) has started today in İzmir, following the working group meeting yesterday.
The appeal of the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Communists condemn the outrageous anti-communist resolution of the European Parliament.

PCTE and PCE commented on the election results and the future PSOE Government.

The Hungarian Workers’ Party collected 26 thousand signatures in order to have its candidates on the elections for the European Parliament. 

People's Liberation Front (JVP) of Sri Lanka condemns the barbaric attacks of April 21.
The monument of Nikos Beloyannis in Wroclaw dismantled, KKE and KPP denounced the barbaric act.
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain held its debut with a spectacular event in Madrid.

The Sudanese CP issued a statement calling for intensified mass action to thwart ongoing conspiracies.

Eight communist organizations struggling in France issued a common declaration.

The Palestinian People's Party announced its decision to participate in the new Palestinian government putting forward a memorandum including social and political issues.

The CP of Ukraine assessed the first round of presidential elections in Ukraine as a rejection of the US-NATO backed regime and a pursuit for radical change.

European Communist Initiative (ECI) issued a statement on the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the imperialist alliance called NATO.
The Communist Party of Turkey evaluated the results of the local elections.
The Communist Party of the Workers of Spain will participate in the general elections of April 28.

The Tudeh Party of Iran issued a statement concerning the flash flooding and the incompetence of the Iranian authorities.

KKE's statement on the 6th Trilateral Greece-Cyprus-Israel Summit held in Jerusalem on March 20.
European Communist Initiative issued a statement on the 20th anniversary of the NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation stated that a massive demonstration took place on 16 March initiated by the ANSWER Coalition against Trump’s coup in Venezuela.

Members of the Central Committee of the Sudanese CP are still detained by security forces. The Party calls for support and solidarity.
The CP of Greece issued an extensive evaluation on the centennial of the foundation of the Communist International.

The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) released a statement condemning the attack killing 49 people in New Zealand
