"As the Communist and workers' parties, we express our support and our solidarity towards the struggle of the Sudanese people against the military junta regime, for democratic and social rights.
They condemn the murderous repressive reprisal of the regime against the massive peaceful demonstrations sweeping the country, killing dozens of protesters, wounding hundreds of others.
The junta of Sudan, which is supported by the imperialist organizations of the World Bank and the IMF, as well as from various capitalist countries internationally and in the region, has led the vast majority of the population to live a life of misery, hunger and poverty. At the same time, it continues to support the invasion of Yemen by Saudi Arabia with military troops.
Our parties condemn these anti-people choices of the junta and well as the violence that it has unleashed against the working class and popular strata of the country; we express the solidarity of communists towards the people of Sudan and the Sudanese Communist Party."
The text is undersigned by the parties listed below.
SolidNet Parties
- Communist Party of Bangladesh
- Communist Party of Brazil
- New Communist Party of Britain
- Communist Party of Britain
- Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
- Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
- Communist Party in Denmark
- Communist Party of Greece
- Hungarian Workers’ Party
- Tudeh Party of Iran
- Iraqi Communist Party
- Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
- Communist Party (Italy)
- Jordanian Communist Party
- Lebanese Communist Party
- Communist Party of Luxembourg
- Communist Party of Malta
- Palestinian Communist Party
- Palestinian Peoples Party
- Philippine Communist Party [PKP 1930]
- Portuguese Communist Party
- Romanian Socialist Party
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation
- Communists of Serbia
- Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
- Communist Party of the People of Spain
- Communists of Catalonia
- Syrian Communist Party
- Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
- Communist Party of Turkey
- Communist Party of Ukraine
Other Parties
- Pole of Communist Revival, France
- Galizan People’s Union (UPG)
- Party of Communists USA