Special interview with Astor García, GS of the PCTE.
ICP interviewed Rudha Al-Dhahir, member of the CC of the Iraqi CP, who explained the Party's demand for the resignation of the government.
Special interview with Omar El Deeb from the Lebanese Communist Party.
Special interview with Ioannis Protoulis, PB member of the KKE and candidate for Regional Governor of Attica.
ICP interviewed Marina Gómez, candidate MEP of the PCTE.
ICP interviewed Lefteris Nikolaou, candidate MEP of the KKE.
Interview with Marco Rizzo, the Secretary of the Partito Comunista.
Special interview with the Hungarian Workers' Party (Munkaspart).
ICP interviewed Carolus Wimmer, member of the PB of the CP of Venezuela (PCV) on the situation of Venezuela following May 2018 elections, the Bolivarian revolutionary process and the PCV.
ICP interview with PSL CC members Brian Becker and Eugene Puryear comes to an end with this third part treating US-DPRK relations, Latin America, recent strikes of teachers and prisoners and personal gun ownership in the U.S.