The Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran updated its assessment on the repercussions of the US withdrawal from the international nuclear agreement with Iran.
Special interview with the Communist Youth Union (KSM) on the heritage of the socialist Czechoslovakia and the so-called Prague Spring of May 1968.
As Iraqi Communist Party enters elections with Sairoun Alliance, GS of CP warns against escalation with Iran and anticipates divergance from secterianism.
Interview with Kemal Okuyan, the GS of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), on the recent developments in Turkey and the region.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation from the US and the Tudeh Party of Iran treat the intensifying tension between two countries.
Ukrainian Security Service broke into the Communist Party's office and the First Secretary Petro Symonenko's house on the eve of the Victory Day. (updated)
The European Communist Initiative released a statement to commemorate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx
As royals of Swaziland continue to make luxurious spendings from the people’s taxes, the Communist Party of Swaziland released a condemning statement
On 1st of May millions from all around the world gather to honour the International Workers' Day.
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) condemned the astronomical rise in the prices of petrol and diesel in the country.
The CP of Turkey (TKP) and the CP of Greece (KKE) released a comprehensive joint announcement covering several issues including inter-imperialist competitions and regional escalations.
CP of Greece condemns brutal assault of Greek police forces on anti-war demonstrators targeting the Truman statue in Athens.
Xth Congress of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia finalized with a national meeting visited by the Czech President Zeman.
The Central Committee (CC) of Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has released a statement following the call of President Erdoğan to hold early elections in Turkey on June 24.
Russian Communist Workers’ Party - Communist Party of the Soviet Union (RKRP-CPSU) assessed the imperialist escalation and the position of communists.
Communist parties all around the world shared declarations condemning the imperialist operation on Syria launched by the airstrike by US-UK-France forces and organized mass rallies and protests.
The USA-UK-France coalition launched an airstrike in Syria. Communist Parties strongly condemn the imperialist attack. (updated)
The Lebanese Communist Party held a press conference on April 13 and called to stop the American and Western escalation.