Members of the Communist Party, Turkey released a public statement to inform on themselves for challenging Erdoğan's numerous libel lawsuits
Communist and Workers' Parties from all around the world released a joint motion statement condemning the imperialist aggression against Syria by the NATO, Saudi Arabia and Turkey
Commentary by Kemal Okuyan, Secretary of the CC, Communist Party, Turkey (KP), on the March 13th Ankara attack
Communist and Workers' Parties from all around the world released a joint statement on the migration issue [ES]
MPs from Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) proposed sanctions against US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for allegedly being responsible for the kidnapping of a Russian pilot
Communist Party, Turkey (KP) released a statement couple of hours after the bomb attack in Ankara that killed at least 27 people [ES]
Special interview with Alessandro Mustillo, General Secretary of the Communist Youth Front (FGC) of Italy, and candidate of the communists at the municipial election of Rome in May 2016
The Head of the International Relations Department of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Jose Ramon Balaguer stated that Socialism is the only alternative for the Cuban Revolution.
Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Party, Turkey (KP) separately released their similar reflections on the recent developments about the Syrian refugee issue
Special interview with Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the European Parliament for the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP)
Declaration of the European Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties on the international women's day
According to a commentary from Communist Party of USA (CP-USA), there is a big contrast between the Republicans and the Democrats.
The 95th anniversary of the Portugese Communist Party (PCP) was commemorated with a meeting in Lisbon
Special interview with Khaled Hadadi, General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP)
Special interview with Arun Kumar Rupanagunta, Member of International. Department of the CC of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M)
Special interview with Josè Reinaldo Carvalho Secretary of International Affairs of Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)
The German Communist Party (DKP) agreed upon ending its observer status at the Party of the European Left [ES]
12th Meeting of European Communist Youth Organizations (MECYO) was held in Rome on 27th-28th February.
Tudeh Party of Iran (TPI) released a declaration on the parliamentary election
The Working Group of the IMCWP declared that the 18th meeting will be held at Hanoi in October 2016.