Former President of the Republic of Cyprus and the GS of AKEL passed away.
The members of the TKP will not go to the polls in the illegitimate re-election.
Common appeal from 25 Communist Youth Organizations for the reinforcement of the struggle against the EU.
PCTE and PCE commented on the election results and the future PSOE Government.
European Communist Initiative honoured May Day.
The Hungarian Workers’ Party collected 26 thousand signatures in order to have its candidates on the elections for the European Parliament.
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain held its debut with a spectacular event in Madrid.
Eight communist organizations struggling in France issued a common declaration.
The CP of Ukraine assessed the first round of presidential elections in Ukraine as a rejection of the US-NATO backed regime and a pursuit for radical change.
European Communist Initiative (ECI) issued a statement on the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the imperialist alliance called NATO.