Beirut and Paris attacks: Condemnation and solidarity messages (Updated)

International responses from Communist and Workers' Parties against Imperialist Terrorism:

Russian Communist Workers Party, (RCWP):

 Statement of RCWP CC's Political Council

"Terrorism is a weapon of Imperialism"

For the full text in En, Ru see the link.


Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

Statement of the Political Bureau of the CC of the KKE 

"Immediate disentanglement from the dangerous imperialist plans"

For the full text in En, Ar, Ru see the link.

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia:

Statement by the Executive Committee of Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia’s CC, November 20, 2015

"To Stand Up Against So-called Islamic State in Unity

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia denounces terrible terrorist acts hitting the whole world. In November 13, in Paris, terrorists in the employ of so-called Islamic State killed more than 120 people. Another victims were the passengers in Russian civil airplane flying from Egypt or tens of victims of suicide attacks in Beirut, and many others.

The roots of this situation have arisen from the grievances and violence of the past, being perpetrated within the colonial rule. Imperial interests and interventions of modern big powers, especially those of the USA, further undermine the Third World. Now, their previous policy of sponsoring both the arming and the funding of various power factions gets to turn against them.

Currently, joint and resolute acting of all international community is imperative against the terrorism of so-called Islamic State. Its acts must have no chance to be tolerated. The UN Security Council should take essential steps against its expansionism. Instead of criticising Russia, the Western countries could find a common path as well as to interconnect mutual efforts against new forms of terrorism already longer time ago. Also the EU countries must realize that without creating of united coalition with Russia as well as with other countries against so-called Islamic State, it is impossible to solve this current situation effectively.

To stabilize the countries being affected by both the terrorism and the wars as well as to regulate the migration more rigorously, it is vital for the migration crisis to be really resolved. If Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission’s President, still rejects to respect the depth of the crisis in full its reality. It can be labelled as a failure. The US changes its up-to-now policy of refugees’ welcome.

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia doesn’t reject to help the refugees from the countries being tossed by war like Syria or Iraq; nevertheless, in our opinion, it is necessary to realize that an uncontrolled welcome of the refugees or to strive for their still increased numbers, it isn’t the solution. The important thing is that a substantial part of today’s refugees should have a possibility either to return to their native countries or to be waiting in the countries adjacent to them, all of them being provided by large amounts of EU funds, like Turkey for example.

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia call on Czech Republic’s government as the Presidential country of the Visegrad Four to find a common language with another countries being hit by the refugee crisis, especially with the Croatia, the Slovenia and the Austria. The aim is to force the European Commission to abolish the bureaucratic quotas system for the flees and to pass such real and effective solutions this huge flee crisis to be ceased."


European Communist Initiative:

 Statement of the Secretariat of the European Communist Initiative on the deadly attack in Paris.

"While imperialism is planning wars, the working class and people are mourning their dead."

For full text see the link.


Communist Party of the Russian Federation:

Statement by the Presidium of the CC CPRF 

By Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the CC CPRF, leader of the CPRF faction at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Titled: "To curb terrorism, the peoples need to defeat globalism

For the full statement in English Russian and Spanish see the link.


AKEL of Cyprus:

The Press Officce of th eCentral committee of AKEL released a statement on 16th November by Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson, titled as:

"It is the peoples who reap what their governments and secret services of Western countries have sowed"

For the full statement see the link.


Communist Party of Brasil (PCdoB):

PCdoB condemns terrorist attacks 

"1 - The Communist Party of Brazil strongly condemns the escalation of terrorist attacks in recent days. The carnage perpetrated in Paris on Friday (13), with shootings of civilians and bomb blasts in places of leisure, resulting in death and serious injury of hundreds of people, it is an abhorrent crime against humanity, a terrible expression of the political banditry. Already in the eve, attacks killed more than 40 people in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, a terrorist action that is also target of our condemnation. 

2 - We join ourselves to the grief of the nations and peoples hit by the killing, to the pain of the families of the victims. We express deep sorrow and the full solidarity. 

3 - These facts are connected to the deepening crisis in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, where during four uninterrupted years is victim of a non-stop action from terrorist gangs, many of which are financed and armed by the Western powers, particularly the United States, France, other EU countries, Israel, Turkey and Arab reactionary monarchies. 

4 – These attacks are not disconnected from the State terrorism practiced by these powers, which should also be condemned vehemently. Wars and military interventions such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Mali, and the military escalation of the Zionist State against the Palestinian people, in addition to being itself terrorist acts, create the breeding ground for the development of groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS (Islamic State Iraq and Syria) and others ones. 

5 - The following terrorist acts in recent days, especially the carnage in Paris, reveals that not only the Middle Eastern peoples and other regions of conflict, but also the people of their own countries of Europe and other continents, can be victimized by instability, crises and wars caused by their governments. These developments demonstrates the dangers faced by humanity in a world order marked by the systematic violation of international law, militarism, interventionism, war as a means of foreign policy and disrespect for national sovereignty. The struggle against terrorism - whether groups or State - requires the mobilization of peoples, peacelovers and democracy friends, who are fighting for a society free from imperialist interference and fair solutions to international conflicts."

Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 15th, 2015.

The National Secretariat of the

Communist Party of Brazil 


Tudeh Party of Iran:

"Tudeh Party of Iran Strongly Condemns the Criminal Terrorist Attacks in Paris

According to the latest reports, amid the unprecedented sizeable and organized terrorist attacks in Paris, more than 100 people lost their lives and a large number of people were injured. This was the second terrorist attack- after the Charlie Hebdo attack- in the past one year in Paris.

Based on the reports, at the same time that shooting and explosion around a stadium in the centre of the capital city of France left 60 people killed, hostage taking in a concert hall in Paris ended with 118 hostages killed. The government of France declared the state of emergency and closed the borders of the country. France Press quoted the witnesses that hostage takers opened fire on the people and those outside the Bataclan theatre building (the location of the concert). Reuters quoted the security sources in the United States and reported that all the attacks in Paris were well coordinated and this city has been faced with an broad terrorist attack. Reuters also reported that the security concerns in France have been escalated in the last week. The released reports stated that the terrorist group ISIS has echoed the phrase “Paris in Fire” on the Tweeter network. This could be an indication that this terrorist group is claiming responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Tudeh Party of Iran condemns these criminal acts of terrorists in Paris and offers its sympathy with the families of the victims of these horrendous crimes. We believe that the destructive policies of the imperialist states in the Middle East in recent years not only has led to war and bloodshed, economic devastations, social and political regression, and hundreds of thousands dead and injured and millions of involuntary immigrants, but has also created the context for the exploitation of extremists, forces supporting “Political Islam”, and the spread of the terrorist policies across the world. These criminal acts have also become a pretext to intensify, on an unprecedented scale, the security ambience across the Europe and the United State and other countries in the world, and has led to increasing restriction of freedom of expression and conscious, and social activities. The grounds for the growth of terrorism and the atrocities of groups like ISIS must be eliminated through ending the destructive interventionist policies, wars, and bloodshed in the Middle East region, and establishing a sustainable peace in which the rights of the people of the Palestine to have a sovereign state is recognized."



Communist Party of India- Marxist (CPI-M):

"Condemn This Terror 

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the terror attacks,  at least at six places, in Paris that have already claimed over 145 innocent lives.  The recent spate of terror attacks in Baghdad, Beirut and now Paris appear to be related to US/NATO military interventions. 

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) deeply mourns the death of innocent people in these terror attacks and condemns such barbaric terror."


Communist Party of India (CPI):

"CPI Condemns Ghastly Attacks in Paris 

The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India expresses its shock at the late night ghastly attacks in Paris by terrorists killing more than 120 people. This underlines the need for uniting the people everywhere against all shades of terrorism.

The party sends its condolences to the families of the deceased. At this moment of shock and grief, the party expresses its solidarity with the people of France."


Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP):

Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) strongly condemned the religious terrorism anywhere in world but what has happened in Paris yesterday is the outcome and double standard policy of USA and all its allied imperialist forces including France of openly and secretly supporting the ISIS against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad says the CPP and its Chairman Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik.

See the link


Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

"The KKE condemns the deadly attacks in Paris and expresses its condolences with the families of the victims and its solidarity with the French people, who are mourning hundreds of victims.

History has demonstrated that these types of terrorist attacks add fuel to the fire and are utilized by those that are planning imperialist military interventions and new repressive measures against the peoples. For this reason the peoples must be in a state of readiness as regards the dangerous developments.”


The Party for Socialism and Liberation (U.S.):

The Party for Socialism and Liberation  (U.S.) released a statement condemning the horrific attacks on innocent civilians in recent days and weeks in Paris, Beirut, Ankara, Latakia and over the Sinai Peninsula. In the statement PSL, pointed to the role of US imperialism and France in the rise of ISIS.

For the full text see the link.


Communist Party, Turkey (KP):

Communist Party, Turkey (KP) has released a statement after the Paris attacks condemning Islamist terrorists and their inventors. KP wrote out its statement in response to Turkish President Erdoğan's words after the attacks.

For the full text in English and French see the link


MJC France's early statement (Fr, En):

"Cœur chaud, tête froide, dans la dignité et contre toutes les formes de violence
La violence de ce monde s'est concentrée hier soir au cœur de Paris et en Île de France. Le sentiment d'effroi et de tristesse s'empare de nous. La terrasse d'un bar, les abords d'un stade ou une salle de concert ne sont pas des lieux pour se faire ôter la vie et la jeunesse supposée de nombreuses victimes rajoute à la tristesse.
Ces attaques à l'arme lourde sont d'une violence extrême et jaillissent dans un climat de guerre dans le monde, de haine et de divisions. Comment ne pas penser à Beyrouth ou Suruç où des attentats d'une gravité extrême ont également eu lieu dernièrement.
L'exigence de rassemblement, de paix et de lutte contre toutes les formes d'impérialisme et de violences qui en découlent est plus que jamais nécessaire.
Le temps est au deuil et à la solidarité aux proches des victimes. L'enquête doit suivre son cours et des réponses en ressortiront.
L'Etat d'urgence décrété, renforcé par l'empressement médiatique et les propos de certains responsables politiques, ne doit pas dicter la réponse politique à ces attentats, notamment sur de possibles dérives sécuritaires et liberticides.
C'est le cœur chaud et la tête froide que nous serons à la hauteur de la difficulté et vigilants au sujet des interprétations."


"Warm heart, cold mind, in dignity and against all forms of violence

The violence that is currently agitating all the world was concentrated in the heart of Paris and in the surrounding areas. The feeling of sadness and of dread is filling us. The terraces of a bar the immediate outskirts of a stadium and a concert hall should not constitute places were life vanishes. The fact that victims are young makes those events even sadder.
Those attacks perpetrated with heavy weapons are extremely violent and are happening in a world full of hatred and divisions. How can‘t we think of what happened in Bayreuth and Suruç, where extremely serious bomb attacks also happened. 
Our claim for gathering for peace, for the struggle against all the expressions of imperialism and violence coming from it is now necessary more than ever.
The time is today to mourn and to express our solidarity to the victims and their relatives. The enquiry should start and answers will come. 
The “state of emergency” accelerated by the rush of the medias and of the speeches of some political responsible should not dictate the political answer to those attacks, especially to the answers that will lead to restrain freedoms. 
With a warm heart and a cold mind we will face difficulty and remain vigilant on the possible interpretations that will be done."


Communist Party, Switzerland (in German):

"Mitteilung der Kommunistischen Partei (Schweiz)

Paris: traurige Geschichte eines zweischneidigen Schwertes

Erneut beweint Paris die Opfer eines brutalen Attentats, das – wie es scheint – von von Splittergruppen entfesselt wurde, die mit dem im Nahen Osten aktiven Terrorismus verbunden sind. Die gleichen Elemente, die seit Jahren Libyen, Syrien und andere Länder der Region in Blut tauchen: es ist wenige Tage her, da erreichte uns die Nachricht von einem analogen Blutbad am Rande von Beirut. Dieselben Elemente, denen leider der Westen – Frankreich voran – buchstäblich die Strasse planiert hat, indem er die systematische Zergliederung der staatlichen Einheiten von Irak, Libyen, Syrien und so fort anheizte und indem er die terroristische Aktion der sogenannten “moderaten Rebellen” mit umfangreichen Flüssen von Waffen und Kapitalien förderte. Die Lage, die sich infolge des westlichen Interventionismus herausgebildet hat, und die für die Interessen der USA im Mittleren Osten durchaus funktional ist – wie übrigens auch die Europa auferlegte Feindseligkeit gegen Russland und China und anderen Schwellenländern –, hat das ideale Biotop für den Wildwuchs von terroristischen Milizen erzeugt, die auch imstande sind, Tausende von Verzweifelten zu radikalisieren, die in Europa leben, wie etwa in den Ghettos der Pariser Banlieue und bereit sind, als Arbeitskräfte des Terrors zu fungieren.

Die Worte des syrischen Präsidenten Assad haben sich leider als prophetisch erwiesen: «Der Terrorismus ist wie ein Skorpion: wenn du ihn in der Tasche trägst, wird er dich früher oder später stechen.» Ein echtes zweischneidiges Schwert, mit dem gewisse westliche Kanzleien allzu lange geliebäugelt haben, ohne sich um die Konsequenzen zu scheren, die daraus resultieren mochten. Die Kommunistische Partei mahnt nun schon seit vielen Jahren vor dieser Art von Gefahr, und predigt dabei in die Wüste: die Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten anderer Länder hat Ungleichgewicht verursacht, die durchaus vorhersehbar waren. Die Schweiz – wie wir das zu wiederholten Malen unterstrichen haben – muss sich sofort dafür einsetzen,

1. die diplomatischen Beziehungen und die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit der nationalen und laizistischen Regierung der Arabischen Republik Syrien zu normalisieren, der einzigen Regierung, die willens und imstande ist, dem Terrorismus in der Region zu begegnen;

2. jede (auch indirekte) Beziehung mit den sogenannten “Rebellen” zu blockieren und umgekehrt eine Partnerschaft für die Sicherheit mit Damaskus und Russland auf den Tisch zu bringen;

3. die Anstrengungen des Libanon bei der Bewältigung der Aufnahme der geflüchteten zivilen Opfer des Terrorismus zu unterstützen;

4. eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den musulmanischen Gemeinden in der Schweiz auf den Weg zu bringen, vitalen Partnern im Hinblick auf die Vermeidung von Infiltrationen beliebiger Art auf unserem Territorium."