Internationalist solidarity with Syria

Messages form the CP of the world indicating solidarity with Syrian people and condemning the US aggression. TKP, LCP, KSCM, PCM, KPRF, KPU, PCA, PSL, KKE, CPC, PCC,  PCdoB, TPI, PCC (to be updated)

ICP, 8 April 2017





You lose yourself when you smell blood: HANDS OFF SYRIA!

The enemies of the Syrian people continue to attack this country which they have been tormenting with jihadist gangs and international terrorist networks. The partnership of imperialist media and pro-sharia agents fabricated a chemical weapon scenario in Idlib and so made up a pretext for the missile attack by the United States.

We warn Erdoğan: We are going to bring you to book for the jihad that you intend to wage with US missiles. No! Do not you dare to add new ones to the crimes that you have already committed and to involve this country in your own devastation.

When the jihadist gangs that they armed and unleashed against the Syrian people went out of breath, they made a 180-degree turn and made up the pretext of fighting against ISIS. The US, the pro-Erdoğan forces, Israel… The enemies of Syria invented this time the lie of fighting against “Islamic terror” to dismantle and grab a parcel in Syria.  

All in all, what they did again is to protect the jihadist gangs.

The scenario of chemical attack in Idlib is fabricated by those who realized that the situation in Syria has been turning against the forces they supported. This is a poor repetition of the game they tried play in the summer of 2013, which eventually failed.

The last missile attack of the US is not a reaction to the recent developments in Idlib. They made special preparation for these missile attacks and they created an excuse with the images they served to the world media. Those images are the preparations of the media campaign, which they announced ‘by mistake’ the day before.

The desperate Erdoğan is intending once again to derive a task for himself from the situation. Erdoğan is the principal enemy of the Syrian people. He is the chief perpetrator of the massacres, child deaths, and all the agonies that the people of Syria suffered.

If Erdoğan believes that he will be able to delay his inevitable end thanks to this bloody adventure in Syria, he is wrong. The likely consequence of such an attempt would be to throw this country into the fire to save himself.
We draw our people’s attention to the fact that Erdoğan once again joined his fate with that of the Zionist Israelite government, the darkest force in the region. The road that he set off with his “one minute” show ended up once again with the same chorus with Israel.

The recent development is a bloody power play by the US. The US government may welcome Erdoğan’s willingness to participate in this bloody game. What will determine how far the enemies of the Syrian people can go is the wall that will be erected by peoples against the US aggression.
Imperialism does not offer a future for the humanity because its own future is dark. It is obvious that the world system based on exploitation and oppression is suffering a multidimensional crisis. In this crisis, the hostilities of the imperialist centers against peoples are accompanied by conflicts and confrontations among the same centers. The success of those who stand against this dirty system will determine whether these conflicts will turn into a crisis of humanity.

We warn you: Do not even think about it. There is no possibility of a “happy end” for the gang in the government now. Do not let your approaching end lead to a disaster that embroils the country.

We call our people: Silence the warmongers. Recognize the enemies of the Syrian people; they are the enemies of all peoples of the Middle East. Do not let the country be pushed into bloody adventures and do not encourage those who intend to do that.

Now the vote “No” to be casted on April 16 is of far more significance. We say No, also to end bloody games!

Communist Party of Turkey

Central Committee




The Political Bureau of the Lebanese Communist Party condemned the US strike against Syria and called for a unites struggle in the region against US aggression.

The PC of the Lebanese Communist Party issued a statment condemning the US airstrike against Syria as a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and international law. The LCP pointed out that the escalation ofUS aggression was a result of its economic crisis and the embodiment of the real face of terrorism, state terrorism, trying to regain its lost ground. Trump 's administration was identified as trying to show its strength in front of the world by cutting the road to a negotiated solution in Syria that would end the war and stop the bloodbath.
The argument on the use of chemical weapons was used as pretex to implement aggressive policies without waiting for the investigation of the allegations. The statement accused US imperialism of trying to take a direct role in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and guide the extent of additional investment in terrorism to realize its interests. In order to achieve a democratic secular national state, not only in Syria, but in all countries of the region, the LCP called on all the left-wing, national and progressive forces in the Arab world and around the world to a broader condemnation of US aggression against Syria and solidarity with its people.




Promote a peaceful settlement, and not cringe aggression

7. 4. 2017
Communist Party is seriously concerned by information about a rocket attack on a US Army base Syrian military forces on the territory of Syria.
The attack is considered as a unilateral act of military aggression against a sovereign Member State of the UN and the violation of international law and which threatens peace and security in the region. Deepening destabilization of the whole region and the escalation of violence undermines had good prospects of peace settlement in Syria and create anti-terrorist coalition and end human suffering. Experience from Libya and Iraq demonstrate that this path leads nowhere.
We call upon the United States to immediately stop the military aggression and restraint, renunciation of all other unilateral actions, promising a return to negotiations in Astana and seeking common solutions under the umbrella of the UN Security Council.
Peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict is in the vital interest of the Czech Republic and across Europe. Communist Party refuses the servile support of US aggression, declared by the Prime Minister and Defense Minister.




Stop the imperialist aggression against Syria!

The Communist Party of Mexico condemns the imperialist aggression of the Trump administration against Syria.

There is no justification for the attack with missiles from US ships located in the base of Rota in Spain against the Syrian territory. As always, unpredictable pretexts are used as in the case of military aggression against Yugoslavia, against Somalia, against Iraq, against Afghanistan, against Libya.

With this action, Trump and imperialism support the terrorist group ISIS. Terrorism promoted by imperialists, by financing and supporting groups such as the Islamic State, is also a face of barbarism against the people. The other side is direct military aggression.

This is a further step towards an inter-imperialist war based on disputes on the control of natural resources, gas and oil routes, with unforeseeable consequences for humanity and great losses for the people.

Stop the imperialist aggression against Syria!
The International Relations Section of the Communist Party of Mexico


¡Alto a la agresión imperialista contra Siria!

El 7 de Abril de 2017

El Partido Comunista de México condena la agresión imperialista de la administración Trump contra Siria.
No hay justificación para el ataque con misiles, desde navíos norteamericanos ubicados en la base de Rota en España, contra territorio sirio. Como siempre, se recurre a pretextos inverosímiles, como aconteció en la agresión militar contra Yugoslavia, contra Somalia, contra Iraq, contra Afganistán, contra Libia.
Con esta acción, Trump y el imperialismo acuden en apoyo al grupo terrorista ISIS. El terrorismo promovido por los imperialistas, financiando y apoyando grupos como el Estado Islámico, es también una cara de la barbarie contra los pueblos. La otra cara es la agresión militar directa.
Este es un paso más, rumbo a una guerra interimperialista que disputa el control de recursos naturales, rutas de gas y petróleo, de consecuencias imprevisibles para la humanidad, y de la que se pueden adelantar grandes pérdidas para los pueblos.
¡Alto a la agresión imperialista contra Siria!
La Sección de Relaciones Internacionales del Partido Comunista de México




"Absolutely criminal, provocative and undignified for a big country." G.A. Zyuganov commented

April 7th, 2017

Chief of CC of RFKP, G. A. Zyuganov commented in the press conference upon the US missile strike on the Syrian air base in Shairat the night before. He stated that the decision taken by Trump and his accomplices  was absolutely criminal, provocative and undignified.

Zyuganov claimed in the press conference that neither Lavrov nor Putin knew anything about the impending missile strike of the United States on Syria. He ironically commented that the Russian military might be told: "Now our missiles will fly – get down! If you have time...” 

RFKP leader interpreted the US strike as the sign of an expansion in the large-scale war already declared against Russia. In this war, the missile strike on Syrian base meant another big step due to the fact that with this, Americans committed an act of direct aggression against a soverign country, which lacks any reasoning and violates international laws. 

Making a comparison between the current situation in Russia and that in the Soviet times, Zyuganov commented that Russia and its allies are exposed to the imperialist barbarism and aggression because Russia is weak and in crisis; because its growing generation is frail, physically weak and not patriotic. The reason why the Soviet Union could intervene in Korea and squeeze out the Americans, he added, was that the country was brave and battle-worthy in those times.




The First Secretary of CC of Communist Party of Ukraine, Petr Simonenko stated on the US "tomahawk" strike in Syria that the US and ISIL are two sides of the same coin. 

The full text of Simonenko’s statement is as follows:

April 7th, 2017

“Missile strikes by US aviation on the basis of government troops in Syria is a direct confession that terrorist organizations such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Qaida, Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria, ISIL and several others have been created with the direct participation of the White House and its satellites.

Therefore, the responsibility for all crimes committed by such terrorist organizations is entirely on those who created them and who finance them and supply them with the weapons, namely the US, NATO and others alike.

Today's night attack by the US Air Force on the base of government troops in Syria should be viewed as direct aggression against the legitimate president and government; and as an attempt to unleash a large-scale war in the Middle East. The goal is to establish as many puppet dictatorships as possible around the world. For the same purpose, the US and NATO previously carried out direct military intervention in Libya, Iraq, bombed and disintegrated Yugoslavia, actively financed and still finance "color revolutions", such as in Georgia or Ukraine, where an oligarchic-Nazi regime was established, unleashing the Civil War in Donbas.

The Communist Party of Ukraine strongly condemns the aggressive policy pursued by the United States and calls upon all progressive forces of the world to act as a united front for the sake of preserving peace and preventing a nuclear war that at any time may turn into a horrifying reality from the insane statements of McCain and other "hawks", who once burnt children alive in Songmy.







Violating all the rules of international law and civilized practices, the United States has just savagely bombed, with dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles, the sovereign territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

It is an act of a unilateral and irresponsible character that clearly falls within the concept of aggression.

It is evident that the incident of the use of chemical weapons has been prepared in detail to serve as a pretext for this brutal intervention, which follows the line of the previous ones in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, where in the case of the first of these mentioned countries, the arsenal of lethal weapons that was used as an argument for the so-called Gulf Wars has not been found yet.

Washington, based on bipartisan agreement, was supporting terrorist groups such as the so-called Islamic State in Syria with the confessed goal of overthrowing President Bashar Al Assad and anticipating to destroy the infrastructure and institutions and make Syria suffer the same destiny as that of Libya: a country fractured and dominated by diverse armed groups that guarantee extraction of petroleum by corporations of the USA and Europe.

Having failed in that task following the cooperation agreement between Damascus and the Russian Federation, which inflicted severe blows to terrorism, direct US military intervention is now used, indicating to anyone who has doubts, the criminal and categorically imperialist nature of the government of Donald Trump, plagued by generals and managers of banks and oil companies.

They are the same sectors that aggressively attack Bolivarian and Chavista Venezuela and intensify the blockade against revolutionary Cuba. And they are the same sectors that support the British and NATO colonial presence in our Falkland Islands, South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and adjacent waters.

The Communist Party of Argentina condemns this new imperialist aggression, demands immediate cease of the illegal attacks against Syria and supports all the efforts that are unfolding worldwide to end this new imperialist aggression and for the assurance of world peace.

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Argentina - 4/8/2017




Violentando todas las normas del derecho internacional y las prácticas civilizadas, los EEUU acaban de bombardear salvajemente, con decenas de misiles Tomahawk de crucero, el territorio soberano de la República Árabe Siria.

Se trata de un acto de carácter unilateral e irresponsable que se encuadra claramente en el concepto de agresión.

Es evidente que el incidente del uso de armas químicas ha sido preparado detalladamente para servir de pretexto a esa brutal intervención, que sigue la línea de las anteriores en Irak, Afganistán y Libia, cuando en el caso del primero de los países mencionados, todavía no se encuentra el arsenal de armas letales que fue argumento para las llamadas guerras del Golfo.

Desde Washington, con acuerdo bipartidario, se estaba apoyando en Siria a grupos terroristas, como el autodenominado Estado Islámico, con el confesado objetivo de derrocar al Presidente Bashar Al Assad y, previa la destrucción de la infraestructura y las instituciones, darle a esa tierra el destino de Libia: un país fracturado y dominado por diversos grupos armados que garantizan la extracción de petróleo a las corporaciones de los EEUU y Europa.

Habiendo fracasado en esa tarea a partir del acuerdo de cooperación de Damasco con la Federación de Rusia, que infligió duros golpes al terrorismo, ahora se recurre a la intervención militar directa de los EEUU, indicando a quien le quedaran dudas, el carácter criminal y decididamente imperialista del gobierno de Donald Trump, plagado de generales y gerentes de bancos y petroleras.

Son los mismos sectores que agreden duramente a la Venezuela bolivariana y chavista y que recrudecen el bloqueo contra Cuba revolucionaria. Y que sostienen la presencia colonial del Reino Unido y la OTAN en nuestras Islas Malvinas, Sandwichs del Sur, Georgias del Sur y aguas adyacentes.

El Partido Comunista de la Argentina condena esta nueva agresión imperialista, exige el cese inmediato de los ataques ilegales contra Siria y respalda todos los esfuerzos que se despliegan a nivel mundial para poner fin a esta nueva agresión imperialista y para el aseguramiento de la paz mundial.

Comité Central del Partido Comunista de la Argentina - 8/4/2017



Protest: Stop Trump’s War against Syria

It is noteworthy that in the hours before Trump ordered military strikes on Syria, Hillary Clinton emerged back into the public spotlight to demand that Trump carry out military strikes against Syria.

Again, following a tried and true script, U.S. imperialist military actions against an independent, sovereign Middle Eastern government takes place under the pretext of protecting civilians from weapons of mass destruction.

The hypocrisy of the war-mongering politicians and media is astounding. The United States has been bombing Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere daily, killing hundreds of civilians in Mosul, Iraq in one attack alone. Scores of families, including their children, were murdered by American bombs. The U.S. media has been virtually silent about this crime.

In March, the Pentagon carried out 70 bombings of Yemen, more than in all of 2016, and continues to provide the bombs and bombers for the genocidal Saudi-led war on that country.

Now, the U.S. government is bombing the secular government of Bashar al-Assad at the moment that the Syrian national army was defeating al-Qaeda, the so-called Islamic State and other terrorist armed organizations. The Syrian government denies using chemical weapons. Instead of bombing first and asking questions later, shouldn’t there be an objective investigation into the facts?

Again, the U.S. government describes its war motives as humanitarian. Again, the U.S. government asserts that the targeted government possesses and has used weapons of mass destruction as the rationale for another bombing campaign.

At this point, every person in the United States should assume that the U.S. government, the Pentagon, and the CIA are lying when they seek to justify this new military aggression.

Let us not forget that the U.S. government insisted that it was required to go to war in Iraq to prevent the government of Saddam Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction. No such weapons existed in 2003. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, tens of thousands of American troops suffered life-changing injuries or were killed, and the country of Iraq was fragmented, allowing ISIS to come into existence.

Trump’s military strikes against Syria pose a grave danger of escalating into a regional or even global confrontation. The Syrian government, in its battle against al-Qaeda, ISIS and other armed groups, has the support of Russia and Iran.

The ANSWER Coalition called on people and organizations to mobilize nationally coordinated protests Friday at 5:00 p.m. and throughout the weekend to demand an end to the U.S. war against Syria. These protests took place in cities across the country, including Washington, D.C., at the White House.



The KKE denounces the USA’s attack against Syria

The KKE denounces the attack of the USA against Syria with the use of missiles from American warships in the Mediterranean and expresses its solidarity with the much afflicted Syrian people. 

The peoples know that the USA and its allies, which created criminal organizations like "Al Qaeda" and the "Islamic State", promote and utilize pretexts in order to justify the interventions and the imperialist wars in Syria, Iraq, in the wider region of the Middle East and North Africa, which is an arena of fierce antagonisms, with the peoples being the victims. They did the same in the past too. 

The developments highlight the dangerous policy of the SYRIZA-ANEL government, which entangles the country deeper in the imperialist plans, providing among other things the military base of Suda and other military bases and infrastructure for the operations of the USA, NATO and the EU in the region. 

The KKE demands the immediate closure of the Suda base and the other military bases. The country must be disentangled from the imperialist plans and wars.



Tell Trump No to War! Hands Off Syria!

US President Donald Trump’s illegal bombing of Syria yesterday is a war crime.

Prime Minister Trudeau’s statement this morning, supporting the US airstrikes, makes Canada complicit in these war crimes.

We call on the Liberal government to oppose the US airstrikes, to take a firm position supporting a return to the peace process and a negotiated settlement, and to demand a full investigation into the release of sarin gas which led to the deaths of 80 civilians.

There is no proof – nor any investigation – to determine who is responsible.  What is known is that the Pentagon has trained the terrorists in the use of sarin gas, and that the terrorists had stock-piled sarin gas in secret storage facilities that were bombed by government air strikes last week.

Trump’s rush to war suggests the truth is incidental – or inconvenient for the US administration, which has fought to overthrow the Assad government for years, using mercenaries and terrorists recruited and trained to do their dirty work from the most reactionary countries in the Middle East.

Now that the Syrian government is defeating the terrorists, including ISIS, Al’Nusra, and others, the US has no more proxy forces inside the country able to overthrow the government from within.

In fact the peace process was proceeding well at the international level, with peace talks including the Assad government well underway, and the war against the terrorists nearly won.  For the democratically elected Assad government, the prospects of a peaceful and negotiated political solution were at hand.  They clearly had no interest in derailing the peace process.

Honest people must ask themselves, who benefits from the sarin gas deaths and the US airstrikes on Syria?

The answer, clearly, is the reactionary states in the region which have called for a no-fly zone and US military intervention to overthrow the Assad government, and a US President and Republican administration in deep trouble at home, unable to move legislation forward in the Congress, with very low public approval ratings and mass opposition growing, including inside the Republican caucuses.   Not least, Trump is in trouble because of a budget which shifts $54 billion out of social spending into spending for war.

The terrorist stock-piling of sarin gas and the terrible deaths resulting from its release after the facilities were hit by bombs, has created the incident that the US government has been seeking to directly intervene in Syria.  Their aim is to overthrow the Assad government by force, and to distract US public opinion from Trump’s catastrophic foreign and domestic policies including on immigration, healthcare, the EPA, and civil and democratic rights.

Trump claims that US national security interests in the region are threatened and that this gives the US the right to launch a war on Syria, is not credible.  This was the justification given by the Bush and Obama administrations in launching their wars on Iraq and on Libya, leaving thousands of civilians dead and those countries in ruins.

The US airstrikes have also escalated the frightening scenario of a direct military confrontation between the US and Russia on the territory of Syria.  The world is now facing the horrific possibility of a confrontation between the two countries with the largest nuclear arsenals in the world.

The Canadian government must be the voice of reason, and the voice of peace and a political solution, not the weak-kneed echo of Donald Trump and his crimes against the Syrian people.

We call on the labour and democratic movements and all those peace-loving peoples across Canada to speak up and mobilize against the US airstrikes yesterday, and against any Canadian support for or involvement in this new US war on Syria.

Canadians must make it clear in every possible way – in protests on the streets, in the media, in Parliament and on the Hill, that war is not an option.  The only solution is a negotiated political solution, based in international law.


Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada

April 7, 2017





Santiago de Chile, April 7, 2017

The Communist Party of Chile expresses its categorical rejection to the attack made last night by the US military against an air base in the State of Syria.

US imperialism once again proclaims itself to be the tough-guy of the world and acts in reprisal against Syria, blaming the government of that country - without any concrete evidence - for the bombardment with poisonous gases against a village controlled by opposition military forces. This situation reminds us of the false arguments about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which was used to justify the invasion of that country.

The military decision, unilaterally adopted by Trump, without consultation with the UN and even with its own Congress, endangers the world peace, irresponsibly challenging nuclear powers and showing how the US imperialism intends to develop its international policy by returning to the diplomacy of the arms and unrestrained military action.

Only the coordinated action of peoples in favor of peace and independence can stop it.

The Communist Party of Chile calls on to our Government to condemn the new and irresponsible escalation unleashed by Trump and to support a peaceful solution to the conflict that affects the fraternal people of Syria.




Santiago de Chile, 07 de abril 2017

El Partido Comunista de Chile expresa su rechazo categórico al ataque realizado anoche por las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU contra una base aérea del Estado Sirio.

El imperialismo norteamericano nuevamente se autoproclama justiciero mundial y actúa en represalia contra Siria, responsabilizando al gobierno de ese país - sin ninguna evidencia concreta - del bombardeo con gases venenosos contra un poblado controlado por fuerzas militares de oposición. Esta situación nos recuerda los argumentos falsos sobre la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva en Iraq que EE.UU. empleó para justificar la invasión a dicho país.

La decisión bélica, adoptada unilateralmente por Trump, sin consulta a la ONU y ni siquiera a su propio Congreso, pone en peligro la paz mundial, desafiando irresponsablemente a potencias nucleares y evidenciando la forma en que el imperialismo norteamericano pretende desarrollar su  política internacional  volviendo a la diplomacia de las armas y la acción militar desatada.

Solo la acción coordinada de los pueblos a favor de la paz y la independencia puede frenarlo.

El Partido Comunista de Chile llama a nuestro  Gobierno  a condenar la nueva e irresponsable escalada desatada por Trump ya apoyar una solución pacífica al conflicto que afecta al hermano pueblo de Siria.



Inaceitável agressão à Síria ameaça a paz mundial

O Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB) expressa seu veemente repúdio à agressão covarde e vil dos Estados Unidos da América contra a República Árabe da Síria, o que representa um ataque a todos os países da região, uma gravíssima ameaça à paz mundial, que acontece com a cumplicidade dos países europeus membros na Otan, como provam as declarações de louvor ao ataque por parte dos chefes de Estado da Alemanha, do Reino Unido e da França.

Tal agressão, contra um país soberano, foi perpetrada sem qualquer respaldo dos organismos multilaterais, incluindo o Conselho de Segurança da ONU, representando uma clara violação do direito internacional, repetindo assim casos como a invasão do Iraque, quando os EUA também desprezaram todas as normas que regem o convívio civilizado e pacífico entre as nações.

O pretexto utilizado para justificar o ataque: o uso de armas químicas contra a população civil da Síria na província de Idlib, que seria responsabilidade do governo sírio, não se sustenta. Este acontecimento hediondo, ocorrido no último dia 4 de abril, ainda está sob investigação e segundo a própria ONU é impossível no momento determinar seus autores.

Em 2013 a Organização para a Proibição de Armas Químicas (Opaq) entidade da ONU, comunicou que a Síria havia concluído “a destruição de equipamentos importantes para a produção de armas químicas e para o preenchimento de munições com gás venenoso”.

O governo Sírio nega enfaticamente o uso deste tipo de armas, sendo bastante plausível que os grupos terroristas, armados e treinados pelos EUA, Otan e monarquias reacionárias árabes, tenham usado deste recurso de forma coordenada com seus patrocinadores precisamente para justificar este tipo de ação do governo Trump.

O suposto uso de armas químicas pelo governo Sírio como pretexto da agressão lembra mais uma vez o caso do Iraque e as famosas “armas de destruição em massa” que Saddam Hussein possuiria e que jamais foram encontradas, pois não existiam.

A agressão estadunidense ocorre em meio a uma série de vitórias do Exército Sírio e de seus aliados contra os grupos terroristas, o maior deles o autodenominado “Estado Islâmico”. Não será coincidência que este grupo tenha atacado uma das posições defensivas do Exército Sírio na estrada Homs-Palmira simultaneamente ao bombardeio da base síria que fica próxima a este local.

Na verdade, em última análise, o motivo por trás da agressão dos EUA é a consecução do chamado “Grande Oriente Médio”, plano neocolonialista que visa a garantir o controle dos imensos recursos energéticos desta região através da instalação de governos submissos aos ditames das potências centrais do capitalismo. Este plano está seriamente ameaçado pela resistência síria, com apoio da Rússia e do Irã.

Ao contrário do que propaga a mídia empresarial, subserviente e mentirosa, o ataque estadunidense é um criminoso ato que guerra contra uma nação soberana, reforça os grupos terroristas, ameaça todo o Oriente Médio e traz insegurança ao mundo.

O PCdoB expressa sua solidariedade militante ao povo sírio, ao governo de Bashar al-Assad e conclama todas as forças amantes da paz a mobilizarem seus esforços para a denúncia contundente da escalada belicista do imperialismo, que coloca em perigo a soberania das nações e a paz mundial.

Secretaria de Política e Relações Internacionais

Comitê Central do PCdoB

07 de abril de 2017


Unacceptable aggression on Syria threatens world peace

The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) expresses its vehement repudiation of the cowardly and vile aggression of the United States of America against the Syrian Arab Republic, which represents an attack on all the countries of the region, a very serious threat to world peace, which happens with the complicity of the European member states in NATO, as evidenced by the declarations of praise for the attack by the heads of the state of Germany, the United Kingdom and France.

Such aggression against a sovereign country has been perpetrated without any support from multilateral agencies, including the UN Security Council, representing a clear violation of international law, thus repeating cases such as the invasion of Iraq, when the United States also disregarded all norms governing civilized and peaceful coexistence among nations.

The pretext used to justify the attack: the use of chemical weapons against the Syrian civilian population in Idlib province, which would be the responsibility of the Syrian government, is not supported. This heinous event, which occurred on April 4, is still under investigation and according to the UN itself it is impossible at the moment to determine its authors.

In 2013, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a UN entity, reported that Syria had concluded "the destruction of equipment important for the production of chemical weapons and for filling ammunition with poisonous gas."

The Syrian government strongly denies the use of this type of weapon, and it is quite plausible that terrorist groups, armed and trained by the US, NATO and reactionary Arab monarchies, have used this resource in a coordinated way with their sponsors precisely to justify this type of action of the Trump government.

The alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, as a pretext for aggression, reminds us once again of the Iraqi case and the famous "weapons of mass destruction" that Saddam Hussein would possess and which were never found, since they did not exist.

US aggression comes amid a series of victories by the Syrian Army and its allies against terrorist groups, the largest of them calling itself the "Islamic State." It will not be a coincidence that this group attacked one of the Syrian Army's defensive positions on the Homs-Palmira road at the same time as the Syrian base bombardment near this site.

In fact, in the final analysis, the motive behind the US aggression is the attainment of the so-called "Great Middle East," a neocolonialist plan aimed at ensuring control of the immense energy resources of this region through installation of governments subject to the dictates of the powers of capitalism. This plan is seriously threatened by the Syrian resistance, with support from Russia and Iran.

Contrary to the subservient and lying corporate media, the US attack is a criminal act waged against a sovereign nation, which reinforces terrorist groups, threatens the entire Middle East, and brings insecurity to the world.

The PCdoB expresses its militant solidarity with the Syrian people, the government of Bashar al-Assad, and calls on all peace-loving forces to mobilize their efforts for absolute denunciation of the bellicose escalation of imperialism, which endangers the sovereignty of nations and world peace.

Secretariat of Politics and International Relations

PCdoB Central Committee

April 7, 2017

Jose Reinaldo Carvalho

Secretary of Politics and International Relations


Tudeh Party of Iran condemns missile attack on Syria

7 April 2017

On the morning of Friday 7 April 2017 - the day before which the meeting of the UN Security Council had ended without a vote on the proposed draft resolutions before it, to examine the details surrounding the use of chemical weapons in the conflict between the Syrian army and armed terrorists in the town of Khan Sheykhun - the United States began a military attack on Syria. The Tudeh Party of Iran believes that the aggressive military attack by the US on Syria, under the pretext of responding to the suspicious yet indefensible chemical attack in Idlib – was contrary to all frameworks of international law.
This aggressive attack will not only will fail to extinguish the flames of the disastrous war that the Syrian people are caught in, but could lead to the expansion and spread of the tensions and military confrontations between Western governments with Russia and its allies in Syria and the region.  All progressive and humanitarian forces in the world, in condemning this blatant military aggression of the United States are rightly concerned that it further inflames a war the consequences of which already include the destruction of Syria and its territorial integrity as well as a disaster of monstrous proportions inflicted upon its people.
There are signs that before committing this provocative military aggression the US had undertaken certain specific coordination with governments in the region (Middle East) in respect of its plans. Theresa May, the Prime Minister of Britain, who over recent months has been coordinating her governments foreign policy with Washington, has fully and explicitly supported the Trump government's action to wage military attack against Syria. Theresa May had also toured the Persian Gulf countries over the few days [prior to the US military action] and had consulted the leaders of these countries about the developments in the region. King Abdullah of Jordan was also the official guest of Donald Trump in recent days and undoubtedly had been made aware of his host’s intentions. Turkey and Saudi Arabia have stated their full and open support for the US military action against Syria.
In a report earlier today, AFP [France’s Press Agency] quoted Ahmad Ramadan, a spokesman for the "Coalition of the Syrian Opposition”, as having stated: "The Syrian coalition welcomes the air attack and calls on Washington to undermine the power and capabilities of Bashar al-Assad through further air strikes.”
Some political figures in America have suggested that the missile attack ordered by the Trump government actually signals a new stage in US foreign policy with regard to Syria and is the start of fresh efforts by the US aimed at “regime change” in the country. The Government of the Russian Federation has condemned the provocative US military attack on Syria and considers it an attack against an independent state and member of the United Nations, and has called for an emergency session of the UN Security Council to address this violation. In this regard, the Russian government has announced that it will be terminating the voluntary arrangement with the United States concerning the coordination of military and civilian aircrafts flying in Syrian airspace that has been in effect in recent years. Russia has also announced that it will increase its future cooperation with the Syrian government regarding the bolstering of the country's air defence systems.                 
The Tudeh Party of Iran considers the military attack by the US on the Syrian air base [Shayrat] to be highly irresponsible, warmongering and contrary to the requirements of world peace, and condemns it accordingly.  America's missile attack on Syria, a sovereign state, is a clear violation of Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations. This action has in effect given a green light to the jihadi terrorists to continue their bloodshed and criminal policies.  
The Tudeh Party of Iran, in line with its past positions, declares that the conflict in Syria has no military solution. The weight of public opinion and forces for world peace could and should be harnessed through an all embracing campaign that compels all the forces involved in the disastrous Syrian war - a war that has so far resulted in the death of more than half-a-million civilian victims, including children and women, and resulted in the total destruction of the country - to participate in a serious and responsible fashion in peace negotiations, to be conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.
The Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran


Stop the imperialist aggression against Syria!

Communist Party of Poland condemns terrorist attacks against Syria conducted by the US forces. They are an element of the proxy war waged against the Syrian people with use of jihadists. Involvement of the US and its main allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey is one of the key causes of the Syrian conflict. Gas attack in Ildib province was just a pretext to demonstrate strength of the US imperialism and terrorize the Syrian people. Without a real investigation of the attack, the US decided to use force. It is clear that protection of the civilian population was just a cover for the real motives.

The US many times took actions resulting in hundreds of thousands civilian deaths. Its forces were using chemical weapons in Vietnam. Before the invasion of Iraq the US administration also fabricated reasons for this aggressive action justifying it with “threat from the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction”. After the US invasion in 2003 this pretext was proven to be absolutely false.

The same mechanism is now used in case of Syria. The Ildib incident was very convenient for Washington’s administration. It took place when it’s jihadi allies in Syria were losing militarily and government forces gaining ground. The US has shown force at the same time violating an international law and sovereignty of Syria.

We express our solidarity with Syrian people struggling against imperialism and its jihadi allies.

No to war!

No to imperialism!

No to US aggression against Syria!