International Solidarity with Venezuela

Statements by the Communist and Workers' parties of the World reflecting on the National Constituent Assembly elections of Venezuela. TKP, CPI,  KPiD, PCP, KKE, NKP, CPB (To be Updated) 

ICP, 3 August 2017



The right-wing and Imperialism failed once again: The side of the people won in Venezuela

 The National Constituent Assembly elections of Venezuela  held on Sunday ended with the victory of popular and patriotic forces. We congratulate the Maduro government and salute the victory of the valiant people of Venezuela. 

The US-backed capital groups' and gangs' violent acts and efforts to degrade the peoples' government of the country have been continuing uninterruptedly for months. During these actions, hundreds of patriotic lives have been lost, public goods and infrastructure have been damaged in Venezuela.

Imperialism-supported provocation continued on the election day, and murders were committed during voting and counting.

Despite all this, the result showed that Venezuela's anti-imperialist government maintained its popular base. The people of Venezuela are ready to go further. Yet the task of the patriotic forces is not an easy one.

Immediately after the results of the elections were clear, the statements coming from Washington proved to be the reporter of new provocation in the country.  Imperialism has declared that it will not recognize the legitimate consequences of this election. The US administration, who admitted their struggle to overthrow the government in Venezuela a week before the elections, also announced that they will continue with the murders, the violence, in the name of protest, and will continue to attack the infrastructure of the country.

The support of imperialism is not the only source of right-wing opposition in the country. Right-wing gangs are directed by the capital groups in Venezuela.  As the Venezuelan capital moves comfortably, the right-wing gangs will carry out activities against the country.

US should stop its illegal and illegitimate activities in Venezuela.

The right-wing gangs should be impeded.

The Communist Party of Turkey stands by the popular and revolutionist forces of Venezuela at their every step against imperialism and the capital groups.



Fallaron de nuevo la derecha opositora e el imperialismo: ¡Ganaron las fuerzas populares en Venezuela!

Las elecciones de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de Venezuela celebradas el domingo terminaron con la victoria de las fuerzas populares y patrióticas. Felicitamos al gobierno de Maduro y saludamos la victoria del valiente pueblo de Venezuela.

Han continuado ininterrumpidamente por meses los actos violentos de los grupos de capital, y sus pandillas, respaldados por los Estados Unidos, para degradar el gobierno popular del país. Durante estas acciones, se han perdido cientos de vidas patrióticas y se han dañado los bienes públicos y la infraestructura en Venezuela.

La provocación apoyada por el imperialismo continuó también el día de las elecciones y se cometieron asesinatos durante la votación y el conteo de votos.

A pesar de todo, el resultado mostró que el gobierno antiimperialista de Venezuela mantiene su base popular. El pueblo de Venezuela está listo para ir más allá. Sin embargo, la tarea de las fuerzas patrióticas no es fácil.

Las declaraciones procedentes de Washington inmediatamente después del anuncio de los resultados de las elecciones son los signos de nuevas provocaciones en el país. El imperialismo ha declarado que no reconocerá las consecuencias legítimas de esta elección. La administración estadounidense, que una semana antes de las elecciones admitió su lucha por derrocar al gobierno en Venezuela, también anunció que continuarán los asesinatos, la violencia, bajo el nombre de protesta, y seguirán atacando la infraestructura del país.

El apoyo del imperialismo no es la única fuente de oposición derechista en el país. Las pandillas derechistas son dirigidas por los grupos de capital en Venezuela. A medida que la capital venezolana actúa cómodamente, las pandillas derechistas realizarán actividades contra el país.

Los Estados Unidos debe parar sus actividades ilegales e ilegítimas en Venezuela.

Las bandas derechistas deben ser impedidas.

El Partido Comunista de Turquía está al lado de las fuerzas populares y revolucionarias de Venezuela en cada paso contra el imperialismo y contra los grupos de capital.



Solidarity with the working people of Venezuela
1 August 2017

The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the working people of Venezuela and congratulates them on holding successful elections and on the positive outcome of the election of the Constituent Assembly, despite widespread violence and intimidation by the right-wing opposition. The establishment of the Constituent Assembly is another progressive step forward. 
     The working people of Venezuela have shown great courage and determination in defending the gains of the last decade or more, achieved through struggle and sacrifice by the Bolivarian process, despite both the violence of the opposition and its international backers, the United States and the European Union. 
     The duplicitous role being played by both the Venezuelan opposition and the United States is shown by their supporting the call for a Constituent Assembly then taking up a position of opposing it. They have embarked on an orgy of violence and destruction, of sanctions and artificial shortages, and even the deliberate destruction of food supplies. 
     The vote on Sunday 30 July was an affirmation of the democracy and sovereignty of the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Working people everywhere must now rally in solidarity with the workers of Venezuela as they face into an uncertain period, confronting an opposition, both internal and external, that has no hesitation in using violence, including murder, to secure its interests. 
     The people of Venezuela must be allowed to decide their own future, free from all external threats, pressures, and sanctions. 
     The outcome of events in Venezuela will have consequences beyond the borders of Venezuela and may well have a profound impact upon the progressive advances won by working people throughout Latin America and beyond. 
     The CPI also expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela at it strives to defend but also deepen the struggle for more radical change and a more steadfast defence of the Bolivarian process within Venezuela.



Message on the situation in Venezuela 

The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD salutes the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the result of Sunday's elections. It shows that the people of Venezuela does not give in to the very strong attempts by right-wing forces within Venezuela itself and in Columbia, and not least by the CIA, to destroy Venezuela as sovereign, progressive state, committed to building socialism on its own soil.

We wish you all the best in your further struggle for a better society for workers, peasants and poor people.

Capitalism is the problem. Socialism is the solution.

The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD




Comunicado PCP: Solidaridad con Venezuela ante resolución del Mercosur

Asunción, 6 de agosto de 2017

Ante la resolución tomada por los Cancilleres del MERCOSUR suspendiendo todos los derechos de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en el bloque, desde el Partido Comunista Paraguayo manifestamos nuestro absoluto rechazo a la medida tomada y toda la solidaridad con el pueblo venezolano.

Nuestros pueblos sufren atentados sistemáticos contra sus derechos más básicos bajo el mando de gobiernos anti populares y que benefician a las minorías. Pueblos sin acceso a la tierra, a la vivienda, a salud, a educación. Sin embargo, el MERCOSUR no se manifiesta sobre esto.

Es sumamente preocupante la complicidad del bloque ante el injusto e ilegal apresamiento de Milagro Sala en Argentina, o el silencio ante la situación del gobierno golpista brasileño, liderado por una camarilla mafiosa.

Todo esto se enmarca en un contexto de profunda crisis estructural del capitalismo, en la que la contra ofensiva del imperialismo quiebra con las instituciones y la legalidad que ellos mismos construyeron.

Por ello, nos unimos al llamado internacional de unidad de los pueblos y de respeto a la soberanía y autodeterminación del pueblo venezolano.

Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales

Comité Central

Partido Comunista Paraguayo




Statement of the KKE on the provocative threats of President Trump against Venezuela 

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the provocative threats of the President of the USA, Donald Trump, regarding the possibility of a military intervention in Venezuela. The KKE expresses its internationalist solidarity to the working class and the popular strata of Venezuela. The developments in this country are an issue of its people, which is the only force that can give a solution to the sharpened problems that exist in the country on the way of the overthrow and abolition of the root cause that gives rise to poverty: capitalist exploitation.

The threats against Venezuela, as well as the threats against North Korea, are very dangerous, they are connected to the sharpening of interimperialist competitions and to the well-known imperialist practice of making up and using pretexts, as the USA and their allies have done in the past, in past wars and interventions.

The interests of our people and of other peoples underline the necessity for the strengthening of the struggle against the imperialist threats, interventions and wars.

Our strength lies in the antimonopoly anticapitalist struggle for the overthrow of the capitalist barbarism, for the new socialist society.


Press Office of the CC of the KKE



Comunicado del KKE respecto a las amenazas provocativas del presidente de EE.UU., Trump, contra Venezuela.

El KKE denuncia las amenazas provocativas del presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, respecto a un posible ataque militar contra Venezuela. Expresa su solidaridad internacionalista con la clase obrera y las capas populares de Venezuela. Los acontecimientos en dicho país son un asunto de su pueblo, que es la única fuerza que puede dar una solución a los problemas intensos de este país en el camino de derrocamiento, de la abolición de la base que da lugar al desempleo, a la pobreza, a la explotación capitalista.

Las amenazas a expensas de Venezuela, así como las amenazas contra Corea del Norte, son muy peligrosas; están vinculadas con la agudización de las contradicciones interimperialistas y con la conocida práctica imperialista de fabricación y utilización de pretextos, tal como hicieron los EE.UU. con sus otros aliados, en guerras e intervenciones anteriores.

Los intereses de nuestro pueblo y de los demás pueblos destacan la necesidad de intensificar la lucha contra las amenazas, las intervenciones y las guerras imperialistas.

La fuerza está en la lucha anticapitalista antimonopolista por el derrocamiento de la barbarie capitalista, por la nueva sociedad socialista.


Oficina de Prensa del CC de KKE



CPB organized Venezuela Solidarity Meeting in Dhaka, condemned US interference on Venezuela and expressed solidarity with the Venezuelan people

22 August 2017 

CPB organized a solidarity meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh to express solidarity with Venezuelan people and to their Bolivarian Socialist Revolution. The meeting also condemned US interference on Venezuela.

Presided over by CPB president Mujahidul Islam Selim the meeting was held on 22 August 2017 at MoitriAuditoruim, Dhaka, Bangladesh. At the outset of the meeting Hasan Tarique Chowdhury, in charge of the International Department of the Party and Member of the CC presented a keynote paper on current political situation of Venezuela. The solidarity meeting was also addressed by ManzurulAhasan Khan, Advisor of CPB, General Secretary Md. Shah Alam, Presidium Member Hyder Akbar Khan Rono, General Secretary of Socialist Party of Bangladesh Khalequzzaman, General Secretary of Revolutionary Workers Party SyfulHaque. The Meeting was conducted by OvniuKibria Islam, Member of International dept. and CC of the Party.

Addressing the meeting CPB President Comrade Selim said, US Imperialism is putting its ugly hands of conspiracy to plunder Venezuelan natural resources particularly petroleum resources. Whenever any nation try to resist that conspiracy imperialism threats to impose sanction and military aggression, presently Venezuela facing similar threat from Trump administration. He said, the people of Venezuela made their decision with a legitimate and right choice. The world is bigger than the bloody plans and collaborators of the United States.The United States and its collaborators, who try to ignore the will of Venezuelan people, have taken their places in the dark places of the history. Comrade Selim in his speech expressed heartfelt solidarity with the just struggle of Venezuelan people.

Expressing solidarity with Venezuela, other speakers of the meeting said, Venezuelan people are glorified by their historic anti-imperialist struggle. The people of Venezuela have responded decisively with the election of the Constituent Assembly against collaborators who have terrorized country for months with the money and intelligence support of the United States of America. Despite all the threats of the pro-American opposition and the United States, more than 8 million Venezuelan used their sovereignty rights, went to the polls and determined the future of their country, which demonstrated democratic strength of Bolivarian revolution. They said, from the period of Comrade Hugo Chavez to till today US imperialism is trying for a regime change in Venezuela. Imperialism has imposed an embargo on Cuba for more than 50 years and conspired against many countries of Latin America including Venezuela. Despite all the interventions of the United States and its greatest collaborators common people won the battle and therefore Venezuela will win. They also said the people of Venezuela has shown the path of 21st Century Socialism with its own characteristic which has become a great source of inspiration for progressive people of the whole world. A short documentary on US intervention on Venezuela was screened after the meeting. 



International solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! 

The Bolivarian social and political process in Venezuela under President Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro has lasted for more than 18 years. Despite strong resistance and attempted coup from the extreme right wing in close cooperation with USA, the Bolivarian process has given new rights to the people, also work and economy in the Barrios around the large cities, and for the people in the countryside.

US interests in Venezuela is due to her largest oil resources in the world, large resources of minerals and water, and her geopolitical strategic position. USA and her Military-Industrial-complex are in desperate need for anew bringing Venezuela and Latin-America into her interest-sphere, considered to be decisive for US unipolar world-hegemony. USA attacks all government who not fully accept her interests.

President Maduro and the government scheduled and went through with the election to the Constituent Assembly on the 30th of July under and in pursuance of the Constitution, where more than 8 million Venezuelans showed their trust, utilized their sovereign right to register and participated in the elections. The Oligarchs and the Extreme right opposition were boycotting the elections and paid fascist trained groups who murdered, throwing Molotov-cocktails, and burned living houses and public authority buildings. Private TV stations of the opposition presented the events as peaceful demonstrations, where the demonstrators were subject to brutal behavior from the police and the military. «Mainstream media» in the US passed this on, and it is uncritically presented as the truth all over the globe, unfortunately also in Norway.

The intention of course is to legitimate US intervention, request for civil war, and a possible subsequent military invasion.

CP of Norway (NKP) demands respect for international law, the principles of sovereignty, non-intervention in other states and their right to self-determination.

We encourage people to dissociate from President Obamas totally unreasonable decree pointing out Venezuela as a threat to US national security, and President Donald Trump’s threat to introduce economic sanctions and of military invasion.

CP of Norway finds UN chief of Human Rights Zeid Ra´ad al-Hussein accusation that Venezuela had «massive violations of Human Rights» and that she should be investigated, as kneeling before US interventionist policy towards Venezuela and all the countries fighting for their sovereignty and self-determination in Latin-America.

CP of Norway call on all democratic, social and peace-loving people and organizations to take part in active solidarity work, in support of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Venezuelan people’s rights to self-determination.

Peoples Power - Proletarian Internationalism - Peace - Socialism

Oslo, 30th of August 2017

Runa Evensen, Chairman of NKP - Svend Haakon Jacobsen, International Secretary of NKP