The European Communist Initiative organised an internationalist event commemorating the surrender of the fascist Germany after the victory of the Soviet soldiers on 9th May 1945
ICP, 8 May 2017
The European Communist Initiative organised an important internationalist even in Berlin on Sunday May 7th, with the theme:
"May 9, 72 years after the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples: We are inspired and continue the struggle against the distortion of history by the EU-capital. For the overthrow of the system that creates crises, wars, fascism."
The event is supported by the Party Organization of the KKE in Germany and Party Organization of the CP of Turkey in Germany. The 14 parties participated are as follows:
Communist Revolutionary Party of France
Pole of Communist Revival in France
Communist Party of Greece
Workers’ Party of Ireland
Communist Party, Italy
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
Belarusian Communist Party of Workers-Section of the CPSU
Communist Party of Norway
Hungarian Workers’ Party
Communist Party of Poland
Russian Communist Workers’ Party
Communist Party of Sweden
Communist Party of Turkey
A representative of the German CP also attended the event.
In the morning, the representatives of the parties of the European Communist Initiative visited and lay a wreath at the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park, where thousands of soldiers of the Red Army who gave their lives in the tough battle to capture Berlin in April and May of 1945 are buried. The imposing statue of the Soviet Soldier is at the centre of the memorial.
The programme of the event proceeded with the interventions from the representatives of the CPs that participate in the “Initiative” and a concert with songs of the Red Army and other revolutionary songs. Following the opening speeches of the KKE and TKP regional representatives, the participant Parties stated that although the attempts of the imperalists to distort the history, the fact that the victory against fascism belonging to the Red Army cannot be covered.
The Secretariat of the European Communist Initiative in its statement-invitation for the event and in reference to the importance of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples had noted the following:
“On the 1st of May 1945, the red flag with the hammer and sickle, the flag of the Soviet Union, flew over the Reichstag. On the 9th of May, fascist Germany surrendered unconditionally. The victory was sealed in this way against the fascist imperialist bloc. The Red Army, the USSR played a decisive role in crushing it, with enormous losses and sacrifices for the liberation of the peoples.
The EU, the bourgeois classes in every country are attempting to delete this historical truth. They are seeking to rewrite history so that the lessons are erased which can today strengthen the struggle of the peoples. They are falsifying the history of the events of this period and are continuing the efforts to name the 9th of May as the "Day of Europe", provocatively equating communism with the fascist monster. At the same time, the EU on the 6th of May will open the so-called "European House of History" in Brussels with the aim of making the historical falsification systematic, which has been poisoning working class and popular consciousness for a long time, targeting the youth in particular.
In the face of all this, we, the European Communist Initiative, are inspired and continue the struggle against the historical distortions of the EU-capital. For the overthrow of the rotten capitalist system that gives rise to crises, wars, fascism.”