Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, got arrested months before his probable re-election in October.
ICP, 12 April 2018
Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, got arrested on April 7 for a conviction on corruption charges. He was expected to be re-elected in the elections of October as the candidate of the Workers' Party (PT).
Including the Communist Party of Brazil, Brazilian Communist Party, Communist Party of Argentina, Communist Party of Bolivia, Communist Party of Chile, Communist Party of Equador, Communist Party of Mexico, Peruvian Communist Party, Communist Party of Peru (Pátria Roja), Communist Party of Venezuela and Communist Party of Uruguay, 11 Communist Parties in total gathered in Lima, Peru in April 8-9 in order to consult the issue. The parties expressed their international solidarity with Lula and the PT, protested against his arbitrary and unjust imprisonment and demanded his release.
The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) stated that the arrestation makes part of a plan whose targets are the sovereignty of the country, democracy and social and labor rights. The PCdoB called for the intensification of "active resistance" in all possible spaces for Lula's release from this unjust imprisonment. See the link for full-text in Portuguese.
The Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) considered the arrestation as an element of the reactionary attack carried out by imperialism and bourgeoisie and claimed that Brazilian communists will not hesitate to intensify a unitary and popular resistance against this attack targeting democratic rights. The PCB asserted that they will build the socialist counter-attack through organized resistance. See the link for full-text in Portuguese.