The 21st IMCWP has been completed after four days. The next meeting is going to be held in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK.
Co-hosted by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), the 21st International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP) has started today in İzmir, following the working group meeting yesterday.
The appeal of the 21st International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Communists condemn the outrageous anti-communist resolution of the European Parliament.
Activists of the CP of Israel are glad that Netanyahu did not have a majority to form a coalition.
GS of the Portuguese CP de Sousa took the floor at 'Avante!' Festival.
CP of Armenia welcomes the changes that brought the Pashinyan administration.
FARC-EP leader Iván Márquez announced that they are rearming.
Communist Parties blame the Bolsonaro government and capitalist monopolies.
Marco Rizzo commented on the political crisis in Italy.
Communiqué of the meeting of the CC of the Syrian CP.

Communist Party of Venezuela on the new sanctions of the US.

The 5th Congress of the KPP was held in Bytom on July 21.

Tension increasing in Jammu & Kashmir, communist leaders detained at Srinagar Airport.

Summer camp of the WFDY CENA took place in Belgrade 20 years after the NATO bombing.

Intervention of Kostas Papadakis on the anti-communist prosecutions in Poland and Ukraine.

PCTE on the scene of institutional instability that prevails in Spanish politics,
Communist Parties in India commented on the victory of the BJP-led NDA.
CP of Ukraine warns about a new wave of repression against communists.
Contribution of the RCWP to the international conference “Comintern-100”.
Sudanese CP declared that the proposed agreement is not acceptable to the forces for Freedom and Change.
CPRF calls for an end to political abuses disguised as a court ruling on Pavel Grudinin.
French communists warn about the danger of war in the Middle East.
