Reflections of the French CPs on the results of general elections

Statements from the Pole of the Communist Rebirth in France (PRCF) and the French Communist Party (PCF).

ICP, 22 June 2017

Following the victory of the new President Emmanuel Macron’s party The Republic on the Move (LRM), which gained 350 seats out of 577 with its ally Democratic Movement (MODEM) (42 out of 350) in the French National Assembly, we share some extracts of the analysis of the Pole of the Communist Rebirth in France (PRCF) and the declaration of the French Communist Party (PCF).

PRCF: ‘Results show antidemocratic character of elections’

The analysis of the PRCF on the website Initiative Communist underlines the record of abstention rate at the general elections and how the results would have been had the proportional system been adopted.

It is stated that ‘the results, which shows the antidemocratic character of the elections, permits a minority to grasp the majority in the Assembly.’

PCF: Call for opening of national discussion of change of institutions

The declaration of the party underlines that although the President will dispose of a majority of lawmakers, it ‘will not correspond to any majority in the country, among the employees, the youth and the unemployed who aspire for job security and yearn for setting up a honorable life.’

The party ‘urgently calls for the opening of a national discussion of the change of the institutions, starting from the establishment of the proportional system.’