‘Hands off strikes’ protested thousands of workers in Greece

The Press Office of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stated that thousands joined the strike demonstrations against the anti-people, anti-worker measures of SYRIZA-ANEL government.

ICP, 15 January 2017

‘Hands off strikes’, ‘Uprising’, ‘No to modern slavery’ were the most common slogans of the militant strike demonstrations that took place on January 12, in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities in Greece where thousands of workers gave a decisive response against the new anti-people, anti-workers’ measures that were submitted to the Parliament by the SYRIZA-ANEL goverment the same day.

In Athens, the demonstrators gathered at Omonia Square and marched through the center’s major streets. The General Secretary of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, attended the rally while the demonstrators announced a resolution regarding the prosecution of the palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi by the Israeli authorities.

According to the statement that the Press Office of the KKE released, the new measures which other than the big attack on the right to strike also include extension of privatization especially in the field of energy, cuts in the allowances and facilitation of electronic auctions prove once more the class character of the government. Also the statement cynically noted that the date of the submision of the bill can be announced as a day of ‘national celebration’ for the capital of Greece. The Party called all workers to a daily struggle, through participating to the mobilizations and strikes of the class-oriented unions and other radical organizations.

We should note that at the present the unions in Greece can call strikes with the support of one-third of their members while the the new law aims to raise that to 50% plus one vote.