The Foundations of the Solidarity Network (Solidnet)

Preserving the Marxist-Leninist stance and pursuing a common political and ideological struggle against imperialism, fascism and social democracy are Solidnet's common principles.

ICP, 29th October 2015

Following the Communist International (1919-1943), the Communist Party of the Soviet Union convened communist and workers' parties in 1957, 1960 and 1969 from all over the world. Some were from socialist countries while others were those struggling against the ongoing capitalist domination in their countries.

The dissolution of the socialist system in 1991 caused an erosion in the world communist movement but no later than the year 1999, the international annual meetings started with the title: International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP).

Preserving the Marxist-Leninist stance and pursuing a common political and ideological struggle against imperialism, fascism and social democracy have been the corner stones of these meetings.