Communists call for solidarity against the arbitrariness of the ruling party in Russia

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) and communist MPs in Duma calls for solidarity against the new law restricting further the activities of political opposition

ICP, 12 June 2017

A new law restricting further the activities of political opposition passed last month in Russian State Duma. Communists calls for solidarity and support in their struggle against the arbitrariness of the ruling party officials.  

The draft law on the prohibition of holding meetings of voters with the elected deputies of all levels without an official permission of the local authorities passed despite the objections of the CPRF and communist MPs in Duma. This new law equalizes all kinds of interactions between the voters and deputies to the political events evaluated in the framework of “federal law on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, marches and picketing”. According to it, which has been in force since 2004 and severed through amendments for several times, no single public rally can be held without preliminary approval of authorities and violations of this law are prosecuted up to the actual imprisonment for many years.

The law that aims at restricting the actions of the deputies and candidates amounts to an offensive towards before all the communist deputies. In the letter where Chairman of Central Committee of CPRF, Gennady Zyuganov calls for solidarity in the struggle against this law states that “the bill is directed primarily and mainly against the Communist deputies, who remain the only real spokesmen for the social, economic and political interests of the working people, the broad segments of the population, and their voice of resistance in representative bodies of power.”