Palestinian CP calls for a confrontation regarding Jerusalem

The Palestinian Communist Party made a statement on Trump's declaration to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem, "the eternal capital of the Palestinian state".

ICP, 7 December 2017

The statement reminded that the historical Zionist occupation of Palestinian land would not have occurred without the support of British and American imperialism forming this usurper entity, which since its inception is confiscating the land and deporting the people of Palestine.

The Communist Party of Palestine named the transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem as "a declaration of war" on the people of Palestine and its national cause. "This obliges us to unite and end the Palestinian division quickly and properly, the only viable option remaining before our people is massive resistance" said the statement.

It was observed that the American attack on the rights of the Palestinian people regarding its defeat "by the axis of resistance" in the region means that the arrogance of US policy is challanging the Palestinian people, free Arab nations and the world.

The statement underlined that the central focus in the face of the Trump attack is the masses of the Palestinian people, its national resistance. It said that this requires to draw a policy of confrontation including; 

- Unifying of all factions on the Palestinian arena and the restoration of the PLO on the basis of a revolutionary democracy. 

- Re-considering the Charter of the PLO and replacing the two-state solution with the one-state democratic solution, which requires a struggle by all means. 

- Meeting all the factions of the national action to prepare for a third uprising, led by the factions of resistance.

- Emphasizing the need to overcome regional agendas or commitments. 

- Giving a larger role for the masses through the people's congresses, a General People's Congress, in the homeland and among the diaspora, to draw a policy of confrontation. 

- Resisting to the division of the Palestinian party concerning the Oslo commitments based on the Decisions of the General People's Congress. 

The Palestinian CP ended the statement with the slogans "Long live Jerusalem, the eternal capital of an independent Palestinian state", "Freedom to the prisoners of the Palestinian Communist Party".